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Who is Dr. Giulia R. Ibry?

Since twenty years the “Studio” provides professional help, building the therapy on the patientt’s needs.
The first meeting is free. Individual and couple therapy.

Doctor Giulia Remorino Ibry is specialised in Psychotherapy, Short term therapy and Cultural Adjustment. She is Court appointed psychologist at the Milan Court of Justice for issues involving children and families during the legal separation and the divorce.

New Service

This is a new service offered by Studio Ibry to those Psychotherapists who have just arrived in Italy or to those therapists who wish to work abroad:

A bi­lingual team (anglo­italian) will supply you with complete information and tools for your professional career.

Part of the team are: a pshychotherapist, an American counselor, a psychologist and a British psychopedagogist.

Dr. Giulia writes…

Essere madre e migrare

Essere madre e migrare

Solitudine, difficoltà e crisi di alcune donne straniere a Milano. Analisi di due casi clinici. di Giulia Remorino, psicoterapeuta.  I casi che presenterò sono emblematici di quanto sia difficile, ancora oggi, per una donna gestirsi e tutelarsi in un paese straniero...

To Be Self-Centred : Strength or Disease?

To Be Self-Centred : Strength or Disease?

Hello, In theory a self-centred person should be more focused and even stronger, aware of the personality’s importance, even being a socially potential leader. In reality, my professional studio as a psychologist is giving me a totally different answer. The more...

An everyday journey through the fog…

An everyday journey through the fog…

Considering the global human international situation, our job is becoming more more important but also quite difficult to manage. I try to explain: as soon as a person feels in difficulty, with the partner, with kids and family, at work and in public, this person...

Dr. Giulia R. Ibry – Psychotherapist

via Giuseppe Frua, 18
Milano (MI)

via Piero Martinetti, 28/A
Milano (MI)

via Carlo Crivelli, 20
Milano (MI)

Tel. 348.7648464

PIVA 0099887766