Who is Dr. Giulia R. Ibry?
The first meeting is free. Individual and couple therapy.
Doctor Giulia Remorino Ibry is specialised in Psychotherapy, Short term therapy and Cultural Adjustment. She is Court appointed psychologist at the Milan Court of Justice for issues involving children and families during the legal separation and the divorce.
New Service
A bilingual team (angloitalian) will supply you with complete information and tools for your professional career.
Part of the team are: a pshychotherapist, an American counselor, a psychologist and a British psychopedagogist.
Dr. Giulia writes…
'Frames' the latest book by Dr. Giulia Remorino has been published! "Frames" is born from the literary project of a psychotherapist who has always considered art, literature, as a mirror of the human soul. Without word and sign, where to leave messages and the most...
Working Mothers: Dealing With Guilt
In my profession I very often meet working women who are faced with a double or triple role in their private life and in society. The dual activities include being either a working mother or a working wife, while the triple role often means being a loving wife, a...
What About Mixed Couples?
It’s ages ago since I started working with mixed couples, coming from a different cultural background, with totally different traditions and, in many ways, a very different language. Language means a special code to communicate, to live, to understand the others...
Dr. Giulia R. Ibry – Psychotherapist
via Giuseppe Frua, 18
Milano (MI)
via Piero Martinetti, 28/A
Milano (MI)
via Carlo Crivelli, 20
Milano (MI)
Tel. 348.7648464
PIVA 0099887766